
Showing posts from March, 2023

Joint Weed: The Easy And Inexpensive Way To Make Marijuana For Your Stoner Friends.

One of the best ways to make marijuana for your friends is to use joint weed. Joint weed is a type of liquid concentrate (not hash) that can be smoked and will generally remain potent for up to 2 months after making it. This means you can make the weed once, give it away, and still have enough left over to share with some friends later! What is Joint Weed? Joint Weed is a simple, easy and inexpensive way to make marijuana for your stoner friends. All you need is some bud, some pipes and some solvent (e.g. butane, propane or even ethanol). Joint Weed is also perfect for use when you don't have any marijuana on hand. Simply fill the pipes with weed and solvent, light up and enjoy! Joint Weed can be made with either dry or wet weed. Wet weed makes for a smoother smoke, while dry weed provides more of a "crunchy" smoke. Both methods work just fine, so there's no need to choose between them. Just make sure to use enough solvent to cover the weed completely. Joint Weed is a...